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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Get Ready for OS X El Capitan with Fusion 8 and Fusion 8 Pro

Get Ready for OS X El Capitan with Fusion 8 and Fusion 8 Pro
With the release of Apple's OS X El Capitan now is a great time to remind your customers that VMware Fusion 8 & Fusion 8 Pro are designed for OS X El Capitan and ready for the latest releases of Windows 10.

Run Fusion 8 and Fusion 8 Pro on El Capitan with confidence. With under-the-hood performance improvements and overall smarter design, Fusion 8 and El Capitan together introduce new ways to be more productive while delivering a snappier and more fluid experience when running Windows on the Mac. 

VMware Fusion 8 - Run Windows on your Mac
VMware Fusion 8 is the easiest, fastest and most reliable way to run Windows applications on a Mac without rebooting. VMware Fusion 8 is recommended for home users.

Fusion 8 Pro - Leading Edge Mac Virtualization
VMware Fusion 8 Pro takes virtualization on the Mac® to the next level with powerful features designed for technical professionals that want to run Windows® applications on a Mac without rebooting. VMware Fusion 8 Pro is recommended for advanced users, developers and IT admins.

VMWare Fusion 8    Buy Now!

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